Deploy SaaS Connector

To register on-premises or cloud-based data sources with Cohesity DataProtect as a Service, you need to use a SaaS Connection to establish connectivity between your source and the service. A SaaS Connection consists of one or more SaaS Connectors, which are VMs that act as data movers between your data sources and the Cohesity DataProtect as a Service.

To create a SaaS Connection, you must deploy one or more SaaS Connector VMs. Depending on how SaaS connectors are deployed, SaaS Connectors can be classified as:

  • User-deployed SaaS Connectors: The user must deploy the SaaS Connectors manually on the source you want to protect.

  • Cohesity-deployed SaaS Connectors: Cohesity will auto-deploy the SaaS Connectors on the source you want to protect.

The following table provides information about the supported SaaS Connectors.

User-Deployed SaaS Connectors
Cohesity-Deployed SaaS Connectors