Recovery Options

When you recover objects & volumes or files & folders in Cohesity DataProtect as a Service, you can configure many additional options. While the options differ among object types and files, they often include the options below, for:

Recovery Options for Objects (VMs & Volumes)

  • Overwrite Existing VM. (Applies when recovering to the original location) Enable this option to recover the VM by deleting the original VM. The recovered VM will have the original VM name. Once you select this option, a pop-up dialog box will be displayed. Review the message, type YES, and click Confirm.

    The original VM is deleted before the recovery. Therefore a recovery failure will also lead to the loss of the original VM.

  • Attempt Differential Recovery. By enabling this option, Cohesity attempts to recover the VM by overwriting only the difference between the original VM and the snapshot selected for recovery. Any newly added data in the original VM is deleted. This option is available only if you have selected Overwrite Existing VM, and you can learn more about its pros and cons in Recover VMware VMs & Files.

  • Network. By default, the VMs that are to be recovered do not have a virtual Network Interface Card (vNIC) attached. Enable the Attach option to attach a virtual Network Interface Card (vNIC) to each VM that is to be recovered.

    With the Attach option enabled, the following options are displayed:

    • Network. From the drop-down menu, select a network to attach the virtual Network Interface Card (vNIC) to a new network.

    • Start Connected. Enable this option to connect to the new network when the VM reboots for each recovered VM. If this option is not selected, the VMs are not connected to any network on reboot.

    • Preserver MAC Address. Enable this option to preserve the MAC address when recovering to an alternate location.

  • Rename. Add Prefix and/or Suffix strings to the names of the new VMs created by this task.

  • Power State. Disable Power On if you want the recovered VMs to remain powered off after they are created.

  • Continue on Error. Enable Continue recovery even if errors occur when recovering VMs if you want the recovery task to continue even if errors occur when recovering the VMs. For example, if one of the VMs cannot be created, Cohesity will still attempt to create the other VMs.

Recovery Options for Files & Folders

  • Overwrite Existing File/Folder. By default, this option is enabled to overwrite the existing files and folders. Disable this option to create the files and folders in the specified location. Any duplicate files are skipped.

  • Preserve File/Folder Attributes. By default, this option is enabled and the ACLs, permissions, and timestamps are preserved for all files and folders. If you disable this option, then ACLs and permissions are not preserved. If you are recovering both folders and files, then folders will receive the new timestamps, but files retain their original timestamps. If recovering only files, then files will receive the new timestamps.

General Recovery Options

  • Continue on Error. Enable this option if you want to continue the recovery even if one of the objects encounters an error. By default, this option is disabled and the recovery operation will fail if one of the objects encounters an error.

  • Task Name. Change the default name of the recovery task.

Next > When you've made your choices, click Start Recovery to recover the objects or files to the selected location.