Tearing down a DR plan after a Test Failover or Test Failback is a recommended practice for clean-up purposes. When you initiate a Teardown, resources such as VMs created during the test are deleted from the site, and any residual data is securely removed. The option to Teardown is displayed for DR tasks in the following states:
Successful or Failed Test Failover
Successful or Failed Test Failback
Failed or Canceled Failover
Failed or Canceled Failback
To perform a teardown:
In SiteContinuity, navigate to Activity.
Click on an activity to view the activity’s details.
Click the Actions menu (⋮) of the task and select Teardown.
In the confirmation prompt, type Yes to confirm.
Click Teardown.
The execution status of the DR plan briefly changes to Tear Down In Progress and then to Teardown Complete. Teardown can only be performed once for a particular DR task.
Tearing down does not change the status of the DR plan.
Validate Teardown
To validate a teardown:
Log in to the DR vCenter.
Check if the teardown process was successful. Ensure that all the test VM instances have been deleted and removed from the target environment.