Prepare for Failback

26 January 2024

After the first successful test failover or actual failover, a DR Plan transitions to the Failover Complete state, which means that the VMs have successfully failed over, and are now operational in the DR site. To failback the DR plan in this state, you need to prepare the DR plan for failback.


Add the Failback Resource Set to DR Plan

To add a Resource Set to a DR plan before failback:

  1. In SiteContinuity, navigate to DR Plans.

  2. In the Disaster Recovery Plans page, select the Actions menu (⋮) of the DR plan you want to failback and select Edit.

  3. Select the Resource Group tab.

  4. To add a default Resource Set, click Add a Resource Set.

    The settings you define in the Default Resource Set (in the next two steps) will be applied to all the VMs in your DR Application after the VMs are failed over.

  5. Select Infrastructure. SiteContinuity displays the list of Data Centers available in the vCenter server you defined in the Target Host field. Select a vCenter from the displayed list. SiteContinuity connects with the selected vCenter server and displays the list of Clusters, Resource Pools, Data Stores, and Networks available in the Data Center in the respective dropdowns. Select the Cluster, Resource Pool, Data Store, and Network. For more information on the Default Resource Set, see Default Resource Set.

  6. Select Network. You configure (or update) the IP settings for DNS servers for the VMs in the DR Application. The options are:

    1. DHCP: Assigns a dynamic IP address to the DNS server. You can select DHCP and then enter the IP address and suffixes for the DNS server.

    2. Static: Assigns a static IP address to the DNS server that connects to each VM. Select Static, and then select Assign IP address to each VM. SiteContinuity will display the IP Address, Subnet, and Gateway of the VMs. Enter the IP address and suffixes of the DNS server for each VM. You can then choose one of the following options:

      • Use the same subnet and gateway: If selected, you only need to fill in the Subnet and Gateway fields of the first VM. The remaining VMs' Subnet and Gateway fields will be filled automatically when clicked.

      • Use the same DNS servers and suffixes: If selected, you only need to fill in the DNS Server and DNS Suffix fields for the first VM. The remaining VMs' DNS Server and DNS Suffix fields will be filled automatically when clicked.

  7. Click Next.

    The new default resource set is displayed on the Define Resource Profile page and is applied to all the VMs in your DR Application. To create more Resource Profiles, repeat steps 4 to 6.

  8. (Optional) Custom Resources Set: Custom Resource sets override the Default Resource Set settings (you defined for all VMs in steps 5 and 6) for specific VMs. You can create and apply multiple custom resource sets on individual VMs or a collection of VMs.

  9. Click Save.

    The Resource Profile is saved in the DR plan.

Initiate Prepare for Failback

To prepare a DR plan for failback:

  1. In SiteContinuity, navigate to DR Plans.

  2. Click the Actions menu (⋮) of the DR plan and select Prepare for Failback.

    The DR plan transitions from Prepare for Failback In Progress to Failback Ready state.