Force Finish
The Force Finish option allows you to mark an actual failover or failback process as a successful event if some VMs did not complete the process successfully. Force Finish should only be used if the failed VMs are not critical. Cohesity recommends that you thoroughly assess the impact of the failed VMs on the overall functioning of your virtual infrastructure before marking a partial success as a complete success.
To force finish:
In SiteContinuity, navigate to Activity.
Click on an activity to view the activity’s details.
Click the Actions menu (⋮) of the task and select Force Finish.
In the confirmation prompt, type Yes to confirm.
Click Confirm.
The partially successful failover or failback is marked as successful and transitions to a Failover Complete or Failback Complete state, respectively.
If the failed VMs are critical, Teardown the DR plan, resolve the errors, and try again.