
In Cohesity DataProtect as a Service, a policy is a reusable collection of settings that define how and when the objects & files in a source are protected. You can create as many policies with specific settings for different use cases as you need.

In a policy, you set the frequency (Backup every) and retention period (Keep for) for each protection run. You can also add a Periodic Full Backup, Quiet Times, and Log Backup schedules — see More Options.

Create a Policy

To create a policy:

  1. In DataProtect as a Service, navigate to Policies.

  2. Click Create Policy.

  3. Enter a Policy Name, choose a Backup every interval and a Keep for retention period.

  4. If you wish to add a DataLock, Periodic Full Backup, Quiet Times, or schedule database Log Backups, click More Options.

  5. Click Create.

More Options

Settings Descriptions

Typically used for compliance and regulatory purposes, DataLock is a protection policy option that can only be enabled by a user with the Data Security role. Use it when you need to prevent the deletion of backup snapshots for a specified duration. You can set the DataLock duration to the same period as your backup retention, or to a shorter period.

Only a user with the Data Security role can enable or disable DataLock on a policy, or delete or edit a DataLocked policy. Disabling a DataLock does not unlock any previously DataLocked snapshots.

Periodic Full Backup After the first Protection Run, Cohesity DataProtect as a Service backs up only the data that changed with incremental backups. Use this option to add a full backup run at regular intervals.
Quiet Times

If there are times you need to protect your network from too much traffic, add a Quiet Time period to define the times when new Protection Runs do not start. (Note that those already running at the beginning of a Quiet Time will still complete the run.) By default, a Quiet Time period is set in your browser's time zone.

To add more Quiet Time periods, click Quiet Times again.

Log Backup If you are protecting databases, you can set a separate frequency and retention period for your log backups.

Next > Your policy is now available to choose when you protect a source.