Protection Runs

16 May 2024

The Protection Runs report provides a summary and list of all backup activities per object per run. You can view the summary and success rate of protection runs. You can also view the snapshot status of the protection run.

Example use case: How many failed protection runs did I have in the last week?

Filter Report Data

The report supports multiple filters to pare down the data that you want to view in the report:

  • System—Select all cluster(s) to include.

  • Source—Select all the sources to include.

  • Type—Choose the types of objects to include — Generic NAS, Isilon, NetApp, Physical, Pure, VMware, and so on.

  • Run Status—Filter by the status of the protection run — Canceled, Failed, Running, Success, and/or Warning.

  • Snapshot Status—Filter by the status of the snapshot — Active or Expired.

  • Time Range—Set the time period for your report.

  • Organization—Choose one or more organizations to see the report data specific to the selected organizations.

Glance Bar

The glance bar provides a summary of the report for the specified period:

  • Success RateTotal Successful / Total Runs.
  • Total Runs—The total number of protection runs.
  • Total Successful—The total number of successful runs.
  • Success—The total number of protection runs with status Success.
  • Warning—The total number of protection runs with status Warning.
  • Failed—The total number of protection runs with status Failed.
  • Canceled—The total number of protection runs with status Canceled.
  • Running—The total number of protection runs with status Running.
  • SLA Met—The total number of protection runs that met SLA.
  • SLA Missed—The total number of protection runs that missed SLA.


The report includes the following two charts:

  • Run Status by Policy

  • Run Status by Type

Report Data

The following table describes the data displayed in the Data table. Use the search bar to filter the data by object name, source, policy, system name, or snapshot status.

You can add or remove columns. For more information, see Customize Table Columns.

Column Name Description
Start Time The date and time at which the protection run started.
End Time The date and time at which the protection run was completed.
Object Name The name of the protected object.
Source The hostname or IP address of the registered source.
Policy The protection policy associated with the protection run for the corresponding object.
System The name of the cluster on which the object had a protection run.
Snapshot Status The status of the snapshot.
Duration The time taken by the protection run.
Logical Data

The combined total of data in the objects that are protected by Cohesity. These metrics are different depending on workload type.

  • VMs—The data size reported by VMware is the provisioned amount, not the actual data residing in the VM. For example, if a VM is provisioned for 1 TB but contains only 100 GB of data, VMware reports it as 1 TB.

  • All Other Workloads—The data size reported is the actual front end data residing on the server. If a server with 1 TB capacity contains 100GB of data, the server reports 100 GB.

    Cohesity does not include unprotected objects in these metrics.
    Currently, the logical data value shown on the Cohesity DataProtect as a Service Dashboard is a sum of the logical data values captured across all the protection runs. For instance, if the source has 100 GB of logical data, and assuming it remains at 100 GB for the first 10 protection runs, Cohesity would report, after 10 runs, the Logical Data to be 1000 GB (1 TB).

Data Read Size of the set of protected objects as read by Cohesity for a single backup run. This number is a per protection run statistic and is not additive across backup runs.
Data Written

Data written on the Cohesity platform after the unique logical data has been reduced by data deduplication and data compression.

This number reflects unique data written, before resiliency operations.

Organization The name specified for the organization when added to the cluster.

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